Opinion: The Future of AI? It's Open-Source. Here's Why

As founders and innovators, we stand at a pivotal moment. Embracing open-source AI, with proper safety measures and regulations, is not just about riding a new tech wave.

Opinion: The Future of AI? It's Open-Source. Here's Why
Photo by Michael Dziedzic / Unsplash

Opinion Author: George Pu, Co-Founder and CEO, ANC

The Plateau of AI: Beyond GPT-4

Bill Gates recently predicted a plateau in AI advancements in 2024, noting that GPT-5 might not be a significant improvement over GPT-4. The reason, he suggests, lies in the physical limitations of GPUs and the massive amount of knowledge required to train these models. However, I believe the real story is the emerging shift towards open-source Large Language Models (LLMs) in AI.

From Paid to Free: A Paradigm Shift

Recall the early days of the Apple App Store and iTunes? Everything was about paid services. Then, a colossal shift occurred – the move to free services. AI is on the verge of a similar transformation. Open-source LLMs are poised to become the standard, marking a significant departure from the traditional, proprietary models.

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Photo by Alexander Shatov / Unsplash

Efficiency and Innovation: The New AI Frontier

Recently, Mistral AI unveiled their Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) model, the 8x7B configuration. This model isn't just about its size – it's about its efficiency. With 8 expert models, each holding 7 billion parameters, yet actively using only 12 billion parameters, it outperforms larger models like Meta's LLAMA2, which has 70 billion parameters. This isn't just a technological leap; it's a new way of thinking about efficiency in AI.

Credit: Mistral AI (https://mistral.ai/)

This shift isn't confined to one region. From China to Silicon Valley, a wave of open-source AI innovations is reshaping the landscape. The era of closed, proprietary LLMs is drawing to a close. Open-source models are becoming more powerful and more accessible.

The Democratization of AI

The rumor mill suggests that GPT-4 operates with about 1 trillion parameters. Yet, companies like Mistral are quickly catching up. Their CEO predicts open-source models rivaling GPT-4 by as early as this year.

This trend is more than a technological evolution; it's about making AI accessible to all. Just like the internet and mobile revolutions, AI is moving from a closed system to an open ecosystem.

Credit: Andrew Neel, https://unsplash.com/photos/a-computer-screen-with-the-open-ai-logo-on-it-3bIuyZmcM0s

Embracing the Change

As founders and innovators, we stand at a pivotal moment. Embracing open-source AI, with proper safety measures and regulations, is not just about riding a new tech wave. It represents the future of how technology democratizes access and fosters innovation across the globe.